- Blue, inspired by Right Said Fred
Alright, alright, don't look at me like that. I know. I know it's been nearly a year since I last posted and I know you probably thought I'd never post again but you were wrong. I'm just super lazy and unmotivated. But I'm feeling OK. Not too tired. And just as well because it's Asexual Awareness Week everybody! *cheers*
So Blue is back to depress you with a whole bunch of personal anecdotes (and screenshots) of acephobia. It's like homophobia but against asexuals because some people are surprisingly upset that others don't feel sexual attraction. Sucks to be them, I guess.
OK, so, because it's AAW, I should probably spread awareness. I am by no means an expert, all I have is my own experience. For information, look at AVEN (Asexual Visibility & Education Network) and if that's not enough, check out Asexual ACES on Facebook. I can't provide links because I'm technologically inept but you're smart people and I am confident in your abilities to use a search engine. Anyway, with no further ado, here's acephobic screenshots to show that actually, people are against people not having sex. Vehemently so. Warning: Mean/idiotic people ahead.
So, there's some acephobia for you. It exists. Typical erasure sort of stuff. That's just the stuff I remembered to screenshot and of course, this only covers online acephobia. It happens a lot. It's not cool. That's pretty much all I have to say on the matter. Don't be like these people. I'll try and get some more positive asexual posts up...but I promise nothing! G'night!