Saturday, 3 October 2015

Questions, questions...

"I think buses always existed but until the 1960s they were invisible so only the wealthy, in the know people could use them."

- Toby (that's my brother. He's very wise).

I have noticed that, as of late, this blog has become less interactive. That is primarily my fault because I don't post enough. Sorry. Still, it makes me feel lonely (I say with a kitten purring in my arms).

Enough of my whinging.

So what do you want to see on this blog? I have a couple of book reviews and factual posts lined up, plus a promotional post - with fan art and nice things people have said about me and stuff. Just because. But maybe none of you are interacting because you're bored out of your skulll with my nonsense. Or you're busy but try telling my paranoia that! I want you to be interested. I want to feel I have a purpose and that I matter to people. I don't want my blog, my online voice, to be ignored when I've had my real voice ignored for so long (because it's high pitched and annoying, I suspect). So what will garner your interest? What do you want to see written about?

Oh...and on the subject of writing, I really want to start writing again. I haven't written in a while, what with mental breakdowns and stuff preventing me but I've a couple of ideas. Just short stories, nothing major. But what's the point of writing if no one sees it? Would story posts interest you? I don't want to write up a whole story only to be told it's awful so I was wondering if I could post a story I've already written and have had sitting around for a while. It's six pages long so it might need to be posted as a two parter. I normally wouldn't ask permission to post on my own blog but it's important to me that you, as an audience, actually enjoy my posts rather than ignoring them because they do not interest you. A blog is nothing without followers. Well, it's obviously something (namely a blog) but it's rubbish.

So - ideas? Anything in particular you want me to post about? Any books you'd like reviewed? Do you want to read the short story I wrote at 16 years old and offer criticism that I may use to improve my writing? It's your call.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Asexuality & Being Ace!

"For a long time, I didn't know what I was. I knew what I wasn't. I wasn't interested in boys. But I really wasn't interested in girls"

- Tim Gunn.

This is an educational little post. I have recently been embroiled in many discussions and debates regarding my sexuality. In case you don't know and didn't bother reading the title, I am asexual. It's a simple concept: we are simply people who do not feel any urges to do the sexy time. We're not children. We don't have hormone issues. We are, in general, healthy and happy (enough). We just have no desire for sex. Easy to understand, huh?

Apparently not.

Whilst people rarely argue against the existence of heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality, they just cannot wrap their minds around the idea of no sexuality at all. Sexuality is assumed to be an all encompassing thing - something that every post-adolescent human has. But humanity is so much more complex than that and, for whatever reason, some of us end up with zero sexual urges whatsoever. I know because I am like that.

If you're wondering, my particular "brand" of asexuality is homoromantic asexuality. That means I am romantically attracted to females but experience no sexual attraction. "What's the difference?" I hear you cry. Well, romantic attraction is when you want to be in a couple-y relationship with someone. You know the sort, going out to dinner and watching DVDs in bed and buying chocolates on Valentine's Day. I'm also cool with hugging, holding hands and kissing but that differs from person to person - some asexual people find kissing to be too sexual and find no pleasure or interest in it. Sexual attraction is when you want to screw someone. I've never felt that so I can't go into any more detail but I think it describes itself, really.

I can't be bothered to quote any facts or statistics (it's late and I'm tired!) so I'll just direct you to AVEN. It's the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network, I believe. Just type AVEN into your internet browser and it should come up. It's a pretty good website and should answer any and all questions you may have. If it doesn't, feel free to ask me what you want to know in the comments below.

From a little AVEN search myself, I discovered that aces sometimes wear a black ring to identify themselves to other aces. After being slightly put out that I wasn't informed of this earlier, I of course began looking for black rings and I found a beautiful one. Soon I will be in on this not-so-secret identification method, mwah ha ha!

I reckon that's it for now. This isn't going to be my last post on the matter of asexuality. I plan to do a post on the discrimination I've faced due to being asexual (plus screenshots. Funnily enough, people don't have the balls to tell me I don't exist to my face) and maybe I will see if I can find other asexuals to interview for a post. Might even do a post on percentages and whatnot for the people who weren't curious enough to go to AVEN. Which is totally fine, no one's forcing you to be interested if you find the subject completely snoresville.

Anyway, I must be away to bed. That's numero uno on the Asexual Agenda. Ta-ra!