Saturday, 3 October 2015

Questions, questions...

"I think buses always existed but until the 1960s they were invisible so only the wealthy, in the know people could use them."

- Toby (that's my brother. He's very wise).

I have noticed that, as of late, this blog has become less interactive. That is primarily my fault because I don't post enough. Sorry. Still, it makes me feel lonely (I say with a kitten purring in my arms).

Enough of my whinging.

So what do you want to see on this blog? I have a couple of book reviews and factual posts lined up, plus a promotional post - with fan art and nice things people have said about me and stuff. Just because. But maybe none of you are interacting because you're bored out of your skulll with my nonsense. Or you're busy but try telling my paranoia that! I want you to be interested. I want to feel I have a purpose and that I matter to people. I don't want my blog, my online voice, to be ignored when I've had my real voice ignored for so long (because it's high pitched and annoying, I suspect). So what will garner your interest? What do you want to see written about?

Oh...and on the subject of writing, I really want to start writing again. I haven't written in a while, what with mental breakdowns and stuff preventing me but I've a couple of ideas. Just short stories, nothing major. But what's the point of writing if no one sees it? Would story posts interest you? I don't want to write up a whole story only to be told it's awful so I was wondering if I could post a story I've already written and have had sitting around for a while. It's six pages long so it might need to be posted as a two parter. I normally wouldn't ask permission to post on my own blog but it's important to me that you, as an audience, actually enjoy my posts rather than ignoring them because they do not interest you. A blog is nothing without followers. Well, it's obviously something (namely a blog) but it's rubbish.

So - ideas? Anything in particular you want me to post about? Any books you'd like reviewed? Do you want to read the short story I wrote at 16 years old and offer criticism that I may use to improve my writing? It's your call.


  1. I would love to hear your story! You're a great writer. Also, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster award. Check out my blog for more details.

  2. I love a story! Please do :)
