Saturday 8 August 2015

International Cat Day.

"If you want to write, keep cats."

- Aldous Huxley

Today is International Cat Day! As you know, I love kitties. You also know that, last month, I lost my fluffball, Papillon, to a bladder disease. What you may not know, however, is that I have recently acquired two tortoiseshell kittens (Mum called up the Cats Protection to ask about pregnant cats but they had kittens that needed a home at that very moment so we got them on the 15th, the day after my birthday). They are called Elsa and Rae after my favourite characters in 'Frozen' and 'My Mad Fat Diary' respectively. Elsa has love hearts on her side and likes climbing the curtains. Rae has an orange nose and a squeaky meow. She likes chewing things. They are very naughty but they love me because I'm their mummy. They have yet to notice that I am not a cat.

I love them too. They have given me something to live for and motivation to get out of bed in the morning (if only to clean up the mess they've caused by climbing on my bookshelves and bedside table in the night). For that, I can forgive them for the scratches they've given me, the times they've fallen asleep on my arm so I couldn't move, the fact they've chewed my books, torn up my bookmark and pulled the whiskers off my favourite stuffed toy. Ahem. Without further ado, let me introduce you to these adorable bundles of joy and very sharp claws!


As you can see, Elsa is copying the pose of our 5 year old cat, Arnie. I like to think the kittens learn from him. He's not too pleased about them because they chase his tail and steal his favourite spot on the scratching post. If they really bother him, he bops them on the nose to keep them in line but otherwise, he leaves them to their mischief. I'm so proud of him. It may be International Cat Day today but I ALWAYS adore my kitties!


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